Success Story
Santiago Airport has 2 terminals and transported more than 18.5 million passengers on 2022. It is administered by a concession formed by Groupe ADP (45%), Vinci Airports (40%) and Astaldi Concessioni (15%).

Santiago Airport needed to unite the passenger feedback system regarding the infrastructure of the airport and the services it provided (airlines) (CRFS, comment, claim, congratulations and suggestions) and thus meet the requirements of the concession. The MOP (Ministry of Public Obres of Chile) has a claim period of claims of 30 days.
Tactile screens were placed at the following airport points:
- General public bathrooms, together with alarms when the bathroom appeared dirty.
- Information, with spaces of suggestions, comments and claims.
- High flow corridors in international and national terminals with customer satisfaction survey.
- Checklist for review of the infrastructure status applied by the same concessionaire staff
- Efficiency and best service standard increased in bathrooms
- Reduction in the claims response rate from 15 days to less than 48 hrs.
- Greater control of the MOP (government institution) on the service delivered by the concessionaire

In Nueva Pudahuel we have put all our focus on the experience of thousands of users who visit us daily. With the help of Global Metrics we have been able to integrate all the channels through which customers enter their comments and consultations. This has improved the management of all cases that enter and require our support and attention.
Carla Araneda
Systems Quality Engeneer
Nuevo Pudahuel S.A