Incorporate customer satisfaction tools used by the e-commerce giant and boost your company’s growth.
You’ve probably heard something about Amazon’s origins. It is impossible not to have a minimum reference, simply because we are facing an undertaking that has now become a legend and a reference of inescapable success.
But how did a retail company make such a huge leap in operation?
In this article, you will find keys that led to such a transformation, with the idea that you can adapt and apply them to your business.
But as in every story, there is always a beginning…

Where did it all begin?
In 1994, Jeff Bezos (founder and current CEO of the company) left his comfortable job on Wall Street and moved to Seattle (USA) to sell books online from his garage at home.
Initially called Cadabra , in 1996 (already under the name of Amazon) it recorded sales that reached $15.7 million US dollars. By 1997, profits were already around $147.8 million.
Likewise, Bezos has stated on more than one occasion that it was only in 2003 that the company began to be truly “profitable.”
The rest of the events, to this day, is a widely known corporate growth story: in 2019, for example, Amazon’s share of the U.S. e-commerce market reached an incredible 49%!
The statistics are impressive, and it no longer seems surprising that it ranks as the 50th largest economy in the world (if it were a country, for example, it is an economy larger than Qatar).
Obsession with customers, not competitors
Don’t lose focus: this is not about being obsessed with the superlative economic flow of Jeff Bezos’ company, or his personal Wall Street credentials.
The important thing is to learn from their decisions and the criteria that underpin them, in order to be able to imitate and drive their own business growth.
In this sense, reproducing the obsession of wanting to obtain real information that allows a continuous improvement of your brand’s experience is the first key that you must incorporate.
“The first thing that has made us successful is the obsessive-compulsive focus on the customer rather than the obsession with the competitor”
( Jeff Bezos )
If you want to grow your business, the most important thing you need to accomplish is to create more demand for your product or service. If you become obsessed with providing value to what your customers feel in-store, there will be an increase in demand.

3 Tips on Customer Experience
- 1) Listen and really understand your customers and internal collaborators: record what they value, but above all, what they don’t. Don’t personalize reviews. It is honest information that will always serve to adapt and grow the business.
- 2) Using specially designed technology to interact with your consumers is a way to simplify complex communication processes. And in addition, it speeds up and encourages the participation of more people, increasing the number of records of honest opinions about the experience.
- 3) Anticipate problems: Real-time alarms will give you the edge to manage problems before they escalate. Provide customers with fast, anonymous, and easy download pathways.
Why focus your business on your customers
Being the most customer-centric company globally is one of Amazon’s ultimate goals. There is no doubt that it has revolutionized this area, and this has generated new corporate standards when it comes to thinking about how a company should interact with its consumers to generate a positive bond.
Think about your “ideal” customer: what is that person that comes to mind like? Can you name their intentions, motivations, and expectations?
Better yet: do you know why your company has chosen all the competitors in the market?
Defining needs, tastes, priorities, problems, and ways of interacting with your company’s customers can seem overwhelming, and at times, even impossible to achieve.
However, recording and understanding each customer’s experience is crucial to turning business insights into short-, medium- and long-term improvement strategies.
Knowing how consumers feel at brand touchpoints can prevent potential issues ahead of time, increase customer retention, and gather relevant information to make the best decisions for your business.
Please think again: how do you think a person feels when they can’t express dissatisfaction or contact customer service about a problem they’re experiencing?

You must be imagining a personal situation in which cases like this have happened to you, and you probably associate it with memories of feelings of frustration. You should then assume that this potential customer would surely feel the same way, and this would undoubtedly lead to a bad experience .
Logically, this represents a very serious problem for any company, in any field.
The ability to empathize with customers and identify how they feel is just as important as looking to increase a business’s sales. The two variables are closely linked. One does not exist without the other; Moreover, there is no chance of one progressing if the other does not.
Today there is technology that allows touch screens to be placed with an emoji system that simplifies, stimulates and facilitates the participation of customers to publicize the value of their experience in real time with the brand.
In this sense, the best time to receive honest feedback is when the in-store customer experience is developing.
Customer experience above all else
There is no doubt that Amazon has invested large amounts of resources to promote, record and understand everything related to the experience that its customers perceive when interacting with the company.
No matter what industry a company is in, customer satisfaction is undoubtedly one of the most important measures to achieve growth.
The best way to ensure that a business is successful is always to collect and monitor the opinions and feelings that users experience.
Customer satisfaction insights can help a brand:
- Develop better products
- Creating Advancements and Improvements in Service Delivery
- Attract new consumers and retain regulars
- Optimize business operations
- And most importantly: maintain positive relationships with customers.
This last sentence should not be taken lightly, quite the opposite, as it is one of the key metrics when it comes to understanding how customer experience logic works.
In the modern digital age, common online review platforms such as Yelp or Google employ their own metrics on how a company does or does not meet customer expectations. It is usually rated with stars, with 5 being the best rating and 1 being the worst.
But what’s really interesting (and alarming!) is that There’s Prestigious studios that show that most people read reviews before visiting a business, and among 18- to 34-year-olds, 91% of respondents trust reviews as much as personal recommendations.
This is why you need to work proactively to encourage customers to interact to convey the positive value of their experience after purchasing a product or service. Nowadays, this is of fundamental importance to attract more users.
Amazon changed the paradigm: today, companies looking to progress must have agile and modern channels that allow honest information about their customers’ experience to be recorded in real time.
Researching, processing data, and analyzing these experiences means that companies have understood that in order to build strong and lasting relationships, they must adapt to what users are positively experiencing.
Consumer experience has become a differentiator between the prestige of companies, and logically, an important driver of customer loyalty to the brand.
Customer Voice : the solution for your business
Does your company want to be more customer-centric but don’t know where to start?
The first step in that direction is to show customers that the company cares about them. But above all, in that there is interest and willingness to receive their opinions.
Global Metrics’ Customer Voice collects information directly from your in-store customers. It is done through touch screens, with an emoji system to facilitate participation.
In addition to instant metrics, you can count on alarm systems to know negative experiences. This gives you the productive ability to quickly address frustrated prospects, which can be the difference between losing them or building loyalty.
Did you know that Amazon uses an emoji system for its customers to rate their experiences (the so-called “satisfaction totems”)?
Your business can grow: focus on your own customer experience policy.